International Academic Forum 2018

International Academic Forum 2018 is going to take place at Anadolu University on May 11, 2018 with the collaboration of "Accounting Academicians’ Research and Collaboration Foundation (MODAV)" and "The Institute of Internal Auditing – Turkey (TIDE)".
TIDE strategically gives special attention and priority to develop academic relations with universities, by means of providing value and support to advance the internal audit profession academically. The Institute will organize International Academic Forum 2018 together with MODAV and Anadolu University in order to strengthen the professional connection between the business world and the academic world and moreover designate the scope and direction of the mutual cooperation.
MODAV has been incorporated in 1995 with the goal of ensuring the cooperation of accounting academic members, contributing to the development of accounting and related science disciplines as well as accounting profession, bringing scientific solutions to problems concerning accounting faced in public and private sector institutions and helping develop new accounting techniques. MODAV, who has been publishing a scientific peer-reviewed journal since its incorporation; called "Accounting Science World", serves the discipline of accounting through organizing panels, conferences, seminars and workshops with universities. For further information on MODAV, please visit
Eskişehir Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences, founded in 1958, is the foundation of Anadolu University. The Academy was replaced by Anadolu University in 1982. The mission of Anadolu University is to contribute to universal knowledge and culture through education, research and projects in the fields of science, technology, arts and sports, to provide high-quality and specific distance and on-campus learning opportunities to individuals at any age and to produce creative and innovative solutions in line with community needs, with a view to improving the life quality of people in the city, region, country and world. The vision of Anadolu University is to be a world university with special focus on lifelong learning and with this aim Anadolu University will host the International Academic Forum 2018 on May 11,2018. For further information for Anadolu University please visit
For the Scientific Committee of International Academic Forum 2018, please
For the Organization and Coordinating Committee, please
For the poster of International Academic Forum 2018, please
Program of Internatıonal Academic forum 2018 please